This directory contains indexed bam files for the ~28x coverage Chagyrskaya Neandertal Genome generated from the Chagyrskaya 8 phalanx. The alignments were produced by BWA (version: 0.5.10-evan.10, against hg19 including the 1000 genomes decoy sequences (hs37d5), phi-X (NC_001422.1) and human herpesvirus 4 type 1 (NC007605). This data was processed similar to previous archaic genomes: - Pairs with overlapping ends were merged into one sequence (leeHom) - PCR duplicates were merged into one sequence based on their alignment coordinates (bam-rmdup 0.2). This step keeps only aligned sequences that are properly paired or single reads. - Indels were realigned with GATK (version 1.3.14) The individual is female and the Y-chromosome alignments are only included for completeness. KP